Submission Guide

Section 1: Publishing Scope


Journal of Diagnosis and Therapy on Dermato-venereology is a professional bimonthly journal of dermato-venereology publicly published both domestically and overseas. (ISSN 1674-8468, CN 44- 1671/R). Currently, this journal contains thematic forums, original research articles, clinical and experimental studies, case reports, public health, nursing studies, discipline construction and management, reviews, continuing medical education, etc. The main readers are professionals of dermatology and venereal diseases at county level and above, as well as medical and health personnel, scientific research personnel of related disciplines and community medical and health working staff. The journal welcomes the following contributions.

1) Original Research Article: Clinical case analysis, clinical experiments, basic theories and epidemiological studies about dermatosis, venereal disease and AIDS.

2) Prevention and Treatment Experience: Epidemiology, investigation reports, prevention and treatment of dermatosis, venereal disease, AIDS and leprosy.

3) Treatment of Dermatosis and Venereal Disease: Treatment of dermatosis, venereal disease, AIDS, skin care and medical cosmetology and therapeutic research of new drugs, new dosage and new techniques.

4) Case report: Reports of common diseases, rare diseases, first seen diseases and typical cases with special clinical manifestations.

5) Review and Thematic Forum: Literature review reflecting the new development of dermatology and venereology at home and abroad, new technology, systematic lectures or practical and universal seminars for practitioners at basic level.


Section 2Requirements for Manuscripts


1     General Requirement The manuscript should be rigorous and scientific, have theoretical and practical significance, and strive to be innovative and beneficial to readers. The manuscript should have a clear theme, highlighted key points, reliable data, concise and smooth text with clear layers, standard font, correct punctuation, and accurate numbers. 

2     Layout: The manuscript should be printed in the order of title, author, author's institute, Chinese abstract, keywords, English information (including title, authors, institutes, abstract and keywords), main body and references. The uploaded file shall be in doc format. The Characters shall be in 12# Songti font with 1.5 times line spacing. The tables and figures shall be attached in the text.      

3     Title: The title should be concise, specific, precise, summarize the gist of the article, conform to the relevant principles of bibliography, indexing and retrieval, and should be easy for selection of key words and classification numbers. The Chinese title shall be no more than 20 Chinese characters and may be supplemented if necessary. Non-public acronyms, characters, structural formulations and formulas should be avoided in the title. English title should be the same as the Chinese title in content.  

4    Authors and Institute: All manuscripts should have authors. The Chinese pinyin of the author's name should be written as follows: The surname precedes the given name with a space in between; All letters in the surname should be capitalized and compound surname should be written continuously. The given name should not be abbreviated, and its first letter should be capitalized. Do not use hyphen for multi-syllabic names. For example, ZHANG Ying(张颖),WANG Xilian(王锡联),ZHUGE Hua(诸葛华). The name of a foreign author should be written in accordance with international convention. Beneath the authors’ names should be the institute, province and city, and postal code. The institute, province and city should be separated by commas. In English abstracts, the authors’ institute should also be followed by city, post code and country, which are separated by commas. Authors should also be separated by commas. For authors from different institutes, different Arabic numbers should be added on the upper right corner of their names, and the same number should be added before the corresponding institute. Institutes are separated by semicolons. The E-mail address of the corresponding author should be indicated at the footnote of the first page.   

5     Abstract: The abstract should be independent and self-contained. There should be no tables and figures, long mathematical formulas, non-public symbols and acronyms. Abstract should be structured into Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusion. Abstract should 300-500 Chinese characters in length and printed beneath the institutes. The English abstract should correspond to the Chinese abstract. The Chinese abstract is preceded by “[摘要]”, while the English abstract preceded by “[Abstract]”. 

6     Keywords: Keywords should be attached to every article beneath the abstract. Generally, articles should have 3~8 key words which are separated by semicolons. Chinese and English keywords should correspond to each other. Chinese keywords should be preceded by “[关键词]” and English keywords should be preceded by “[Keywords]”. Please try to use words listed in the latest version of Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) by the US National Medical Library. Key words of traditional Chinese medicine should be selected from the Chinese Medicine Thesaurus compiled by the Institute of Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine. 

7     Funding: If the article is funded, it should be marked with 基金项目” at the footnote, indicating the title of the fund with its number in brackets. Approval certificate of the funding project should be provided along with the manuscript. The title of the funding project shall be written by its official name. The items of multiple funds should be listed sequentially, separated by semicolons, in the lower left corner of the first paragraph. 

8     Subheadings: The subheadings of the article shall be in the following format: Level Ⅰ:“1”; Level : “1.1”; Level : “1.1.1”. 

9    Tables and Figures: The tables and figures shall be concise, which are not necessary if the data can be briefly explained in text. All data in the text and tables/figures shall be in Arabic numerals, and the data shall be double checked by authors. Each table or figure shall have serial number, title and necessary notes. The submitted article must contain high-resolute photos. Please provide the original picture which shall have good contrast and clarity. The case report shall be attached with clinical, histopathological color photos and other special examination photos. The pathological photos shall also be noted with the time of magnification and staining method and the manifestation focus should be indicated by arrows in the picture. 

10    Statistical Symbols: If the data is processed statistically, the test method used shall be indicated, and the specific test value shall be given before the P value, such as the value of t, χ2, q, etc. Statistical symbols shall be written in accordance with the relevant provisions of Statistical Terms and Symbols (GB 3358-82). 

11   Discussion: In the discussion part, please closely follow the results and refer to relevant literatures for an organized discussion. 

12    References: References should be appropriate in number (no less than 20) but with high quality, read by authors in person. Internal materials, pharma promotional materials or unpublished articles should not be cited as references. 

12.1    Annotating Method of References in the Text:

References should be coded consecutively with Arabic numerals according to the sequence of appearance of the cited literatures in the text,

When more than one article is cited in the same place, the serial numbers of each literature is listed in square brackets. A comma is used between the serial numbers. For consecutive numbers, the starting and ending numbers can be marked with a hyphen in between.

As a literature is cited many times in the text, only a unique number shall be used. 

12.2    Literature Description Items

The main responsible person includes author, editor, dissertation writer, patent applicant or owner, report writer, standard proposer, individual author of a collection. Multiple responsible persons are separated by commas “,”. Abbreviated dot "." should be avoided. Only the names of the principal responsible person are listed, without the specification of "author", "editor", "chief editor" or "co-editor". For foreign authors, the format is: “last name, the first letter of other names”.  When there are no more than three authors, all of them should be listed. If there are more than three, the first three shall be listed and followed by ” in Chinese, "et al" in Latin or Spanish, “” in Japanese and "пup" in Russian.

Journal (title, other title information and literature type code). The full name is used for Chinese journals and the abbreviation is used for foreign journals.

Other responsible persons (optional).

Version (omitted for the first edition).

Publishing information including place, publisher, year, volume or number (for journals), page range. 

12.3    Literature Type Code



Conference Proceeding


















        Others: Z 

12.4    Formant of Reference List:

The references are listed after the text according to the order in which they appear in the text; The list is marked by “[references]”. The serial number of references is in the left top with square brackets, such as [1], [2],..., so as to be consistent with the format of the indicated serial number in the text. Each reference entry ends with a full stop “.”. 


        Section 3: Fees


The review fee is waived for all manuscripts. Once the manuscript publishing is confirmed, an APC shall be payable (RMB 200 per thousand characters). The editorial office will remunerate the authors with a one-off payment and two copies of the current issue of the journal. The APC can be waived for the following articles: 

1. Articles supported by funds at the provincial level or above.

2. The first author is a full-time graduate student.

3. Announcements of conference and workshop in dermatology and venereology at the provincial level or above.


Section 4: Method of Submission


1.     Register for Submission

Please log in our website ( and follow the steps to register and submit. Be sure to fill in the correct email and mobile phone number for they are important contact information. 

2.     Upload Supplementary Documents

After passing the preliminary examination, please submit supplementary documents listed below. Please download the template from the ‘Download Center’ on the right of the homepage of the website, and then fill in the template, scan and upload it to the website or send it to the email address of the editorial office.

1) Copyright Transfer Agreement

2) Authors Contribution Form

3) Statement of Competing Interests

4) Funding Approval Certificate

5) Photocopy of Approval Document by Medical Ethical Committee /Animal Right Committee (If Applicable)

6) Consent Letter from Research Participants or Their Relatives (If Applicable)  

3.     Modify or Reject
     After receiving all the materials, the editorial office will send the manuscript for peer review. After the review is finished, the author will receive the comments by email (the author will receive SMS at the same time).  
4.     Pay APC after Acceptance
      After the article is revised and meets the requirements for publication, the editorial office will send a notice of APC through email, and there will be an SMS reminder. The author shall remit the money as soon as possible after receiving the notice and send the proof of remittance to the editorial office by E-mail.   
5.     Proofread
     Before the article is published, the editorial office will send the PDF document to the author by E-mail for proofreading (there will also be an SMS). The author shall read the whole text and check it carefully.   
6.     Receive Journal, Invoices and Remuneration
     After publication, the editorial department will post two copies of the current issue to the first author and send the address of the electronic invoice of APC to the author by SMS. The remuneration shall be remitted through the bank. 




Bank Information:
Account name: 岭南皮肤性病科杂志编辑部



Deposit bank: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Guangzhou Dongcheng Sub-branch;
Bank account number: 3602 0314 0920 0363 327
Please send us the proof of remittance by E-mail for inquiry after remittance. 

Welcome to follow our WeChat official account to keep track of the status of submission and learn more about the journal. 



Pubdate: 2021-01-01    Viewed: 4327